For Venezuelan Regime, the Party’s Over — The American Magazine

Lopez getting into a army armored vehicle. (Foto: Reuters).

Lopez getting into a army armored vehicle. (Foto: Reuters).

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is fighting a losing battle to salvage his regime, and student demonstrations that will continue today are only one of his problems. As details of his government’s bankruptcy are made public, his political base will continue to splinter. And as he follows Cuban advice to use brute force against peaceful demonstrators, the nationalist military will find the growing violence intolerable. In short, Maduro’s condition is terminal.”

I share with you three documents about what is happening in Venezuela. The first one is an article from The American Magazine that explain why Mr. Maduro’s regime is in their last days; the other one is a picture of Mr. López getting into an army’s armored vehicle to get him into prison. The last one is a video of this historical  momment in Venezuela.

For Venezuelan Regime, the Party’s Over — The American Magazine.

Here the video about the way Leopoldo López (opposition Lieder) was made prisoner.

The arrest of Lopez

This time is different (II)

This time is different (I)

If you want to know more about what is happening in Venezuela, here is a link to a video.

This time is different (I)

I have several days without posting anything.

My heart  was with my country.  I had no time to think about nothing else but the tragedy in Venezuela. My country is living it hardest time suffering a dictatorship directed from a foreign and invasive country.

Until February 12, 2014 Mr. Maduro regime in Venezuela was not bloodstained.

That was left to the common crime. But on  February 12, eventually  they showed their true killer face. That day government forces attacked unarmed people whose only crime was not sharing the ideas of mr. Maduros’s government; they were peacefully claiming for security and respect for life and asking for the restoration of national sovereignty.

On the other hand, Mr. Maduro since February 12, has being  blocking venezuelan  press, television and radio and has made attempts to block Internet, particularly Twitter, the most feared weapon by the dictatorships. At that stage, we, the Venezuelans who live abroad are the voice of people that cries attention of the world press and friendly governments.

Therefore concentrations have been organized in the world to explain to the citizens of other countries the situation that exists in Venezuela. The photos accompanying this post were taken during the demonstration of Venezuelans in Barcelona, ​​Spain, last Sunday, February 16, defending democracy and national sovereignty. Something has changed in Venezuela, help us not to let it die. Share this post.

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

Photography in Barcelona

If you need to know more here is a link to a video about what is happening in Venezuela.

La violencia en tiempos del chavismo

Legalización de la pena de muerte

A la ya trágica situación de violencia desenfrenada que ha puesto a Venezuela en el segundo lugar como país mas violento del mundo, ahora el Ministro de la Defensa de Venezuela, General del Ejército Vladimir Padrino López, declaró formalmente la legalización de la pena de muerte en Venezuela a manos de los cuerpos de seguridad del Estado, sin juicio, ni mecanismos legales previos, violando la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y tratados internacionales.

Lo que el gobierno de Chávez y su sucesor Maduro dejaron en manos de la delincuencia, es decir, mantener a la población a raya, temiendo por su vida como consecuencia de cualquier asalto violento fortuito, al fin ha sido asumido por las fuerzas de seguridad del Estado que a partir de ahora podrá disparar a discreción con armas de fuego a la población civil aduciendo cumplir con la nueva orden del Ministro de la defensa. De ahora en adelante, que el gobierno mate es legal en Venezuela.


Visualmente inspirado en “The Crimes Of Tony Soprano

Los gráficos sobre criminalidad en Venezuela son de ODH Grupo Consultor

Venezuela: Two images of the same reality

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Venezuela is under armed fire. Crime kills freely, and the State proposes useless measures to contain it without any success in 14 years (nearly 3 lustrums).

79 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Were approximately 24,763 deaths due to violence in the year 2013 and the Minister of Interior and Justice says he is satisfied that crime has dropped.

If you want to undestand what is happening there, you should see this video from Youtube, in which we can see the nervous laughs, almost stupid, of Mr Izarra, Minister of Communications and Information at the time, when an investigative journalist gives and explains killings data in the country. The video is from 2010.

Today everything stays the same! However, some Venezuelan cartoonists, as Rayma, from El Universal, have managed perfectly to reflect the situation.