Venezuela: Two images of the same reality

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Venezuela is under armed fire. Crime kills freely, and the State proposes useless measures to contain it without any success in 14 years (nearly 3 lustrums).

79 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Were approximately 24,763 deaths due to violence in the year 2013 and the Minister of Interior and Justice says he is satisfied that crime has dropped.

If you want to undestand what is happening there, you should see this video from Youtube, in which we can see the nervous laughs, almost stupid, of Mr Izarra, Minister of Communications and Information at the time, when an investigative journalist gives and explains killings data in the country. The video is from 2010.

Today everything stays the same! However, some Venezuelan cartoonists, as Rayma, from El Universal, have managed perfectly to reflect the situation.