Regatta Puig Vela classic Barcelona 2014 (2)

Last week I show you some pictures of the Regatta Puig Vela Classic Barcelona 2014. Today I have a set of the same regatta but this time in B&W processing. I hope you enjoi it.
I would like to give many thanks to Diego Yriarte and the Maritime Museum of Barcelona for the opportunity I have with them to take this pictures.

Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography Sail photography

3 thoughts on “Regatta Puig Vela classic Barcelona 2014 (2)

  1. Pingback: Adventure! (Weekly photo challenge) | Please…don't move!

  2. Pingback: Regatta Puig Vela classic Barcelona 2014 (1) | Please…don't move!

  3. Pingback: Regatta Puig Vela classic Barcelona 2014 (III) | Please…don't move!

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